Monday, July 13, 2009

Tag You're it...5 things

5 Things I was doing 5 years ago

1. Working for my dad full time
2. Getting ready to have Preston
3. Living in Gilbert
4. Aaron was in School

5 Things on my to do list

1. Make posters for my Church Calling
2. Continue with my year supply efforts
3. Make so hard core decisions
4. Get the kids to pick up their toys
5. Continue to organize and clean up

What I would do with a Million dollars

1. Pay off debt.
2. Pay off our houses
3. Go on a serious nice vacation
4. Pay for Aarons Master Program and other schooling
5. A new wardrobe for the family

5 Places I have lived

1. Mesa, AZ
2. Chandler, AZ twice
3. Gilbert, AZ
4. Queen Creek, AZ
5. Austin, TX ( someday hopefully)

5 Things I want to be doing in 5 years

1. Have aaron out of school with his Masters degree
2. Be living in Austin
3. Having our family complete
4. Back to my pre-pregnancy size
5. have an adaquate year supply that actually gets rotated!


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